Social Planner - Post Approval Flow

Social Planner now has a Post Approval flow where the user can get the content of social posts reviewed and analyzed by another team member.

Getting Started with Post-Approval Flow

Navigate to Marketing> Social Planner. Create New Post by clicking the "New Post" button.

Post approval flow

Schedule For Approval

Once the post is created with content, rich media, hashtags, and more, it can be scheduled for approval. click here to learn more about Social Posting.

  • Add the date and time for the schedule.
  • Choose the user who would approve the post to be scheduled in the social calendar.
  • Add an internal note for approval for more information.

Schedule for approval

Send for approval

Confirmation Email

Once the post is sent for review, an email will be delivered to the approver for the scheduled post.

Approval Tab

The reviewer can see the post in the "Approval" tab with the option to view, approve or reject. The view option will allow users to view the details of posts and then approve or reject them. The reviewer team member can edit the content too for approval flow by clicking "Edit" on the view screen.

Once the post is approved, it will be scheduled in the social calendar. If the post is Rejected, the user can view the comment sent by the reviewer.

Approval Tab

Editing and Applying an Email Template as the Post Approval Email

Users can set the email for Approval from Social Planner Settings. The email template can be branded by visiting Marketing > Emails> Templates > New > Email Marketing Templates which will direct you to the Template Library where you will need to head to "System Templates> Social Planner: Post Approval". You can edit the template as you see fit.

Click on Email marketing template

Social Planner-Post Approval in System Templates

Email Setup

That template can then be applied to the Post Approval email flow in Social Planner Settings> Notifications. Choose the email template under Setup Email template for Social Post Approval.

Click on social planner settings

Choose email template

Steps to Schedule the CSV for Approving bulk posts.

  1. Create a new CSV when you click the "New Post" button
  2. Once the user adds the CSV file and Selects the Socials, there will be an option to Select an Approver.
  3. Once the posts are imported, they go for review by the chosen approver. Once approved, they are scheduled on the social calendar.

Click on New post

Add CSV file

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