Templates - SMS & Email Templates

Within the Conversations section of your CRM, the Template tab allows you to craft both text and email templates. These templates serve as a valuable resource for composing recurring manual messages sent to clients. By incorporating diverse elements such as custom values, trigger links, and file attachments, you can tailor your templates to suit various communication needs.

NOTE: Depending on your user permissions, you may not have access to all of the components.

Created Templates List

If you have templates created in your CRM, you will see a list of them here. There are four components of the template that you will see to help make them easily identifiable. These four components are name, body, attachments, and type.

Template Name

Under the name column to the far left under Message Templates you will see a list of your previously created message templates by name.

Template Body

To the right of the name column, you will see the correlating message body.

Template Attachments

Next, you will see what attachments are included in your templates.

Template Type

Depending on the templates in your list, you will see either text or email listed under the Type column to the far right.

Edit Templates

You can edit or view existing templates by clicking on the edit icon to the right of the template name and body. This icon looks like a box with a pencil inside. When you click on this icon, a popup will appear with the template details. You can edit the template or test the message here. If you make any changes, make sure to hit the green Save button at the bottom.

Delete Templates

If you would like to delete a template that you have created, click on the trashcan icon to the right of the template you would like to delete. Make sure you want to delete the template because this action cannot be undone.

Adding New Templates

You can create a new template by clicking on the green + Add Template button on the far right of your screen. A drop-down menu will appear for you to choose either a text or email template. When you choose a template to add, a popup will appear for you to fill in the details.

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Templates - Add SMS Template