The Analyze section under Form of your CRM allows you to store and organize the statistics of every submission and affiliate application from your form. It collates data from each form and gives a daily report of the Submission and affiliate application.
Date Range
To view Form submissions and affiliate applications from a certain time frame, click on the date bar on the top right of the page. Here you will have a variety of options to choose from or select a specific date range. Once you’ve selected the date range you would like to view, click on the checkmark button to refresh your report.
Refresh Submission Data
You can refresh the data at any time by clicking on the refresh button next to the date range selector. This will show you the most recent and accurate data about your Form.
Total Submission Data
You will see the total submission and affiliate application data collated and their submission dates.
When you hover your mouse on a form submission graph you will be able to see all of the submission details.
Form List
Here you will see a list of all submissions for all created Forms.
- NameHere you can see the names of each form created.
- SubmissionThis column shows the number of submissions per form
- View SubmissionClick here to see more details about each form submission