Form / Survey Builder - Full Screen Mode

In this section, you will learn how to use the full-screen mode in the Form builder. The Full-screen mode in forms refers to a display setting that maximizes the utilization of the entire screen space where it's embedded its defined form width to enhance the user experience when interacting with the form.

How to Activate the Full-Screen

First, navigate to the Lab section under Settings, look for the “Revamped Form Builder” update, and toggle it on.

Using Full-screen in Form Builder

Go to the Form section under Sites and select Builder. Click on “+Add Form” to start creating a form or edit the forms already created. When you are on the editor’s page, open the right sidebar, and toggle on the “Full-screen mode” under the Style tab.

Further Reading

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Form / Survey Builder - Google Fonts and GDPR-Compliant Typography Option