Chat Widget - Acknowledgment settings

Now let's move on to the thank you section that the visitor will see if they request to chat.

Thank You Message Preview

This is a preview of what your thank you message will look like. As you customize your thank you message, you can see the changes happen in real-time here in the preview.

Customer Support Contact

Here you can add your company phone number or email so that the website visitor can choose to contact you right away instead of waiting for a call, text, or email back.

Acknowledgement Greeting

You can give your thank you message a custom heading so the thank you really stands out.

Acknowledgement Message

Customize your thank you message and make it as personal or general as you see fit. This message will essentially tell your new leads that their information has been passed on, and to wait for a call, text, or email from the team.

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Chat Widget
Chat Widget - Chat Bubble